Tony La Russa Back Working For White Sox As Chaos Reins in Chicago

With the Chicago White Sox cleaning house in the front office on Tuesday, firing executive VP Ken Williams and GM Rick Hahn, one would have thought that sanity was settling in as the team tries to right the ship...

Then comes the news that Tony La Russa, the ancient manager who brought chaos to the team with his erratic decisions in 2021 and 2022 before leaving the job late in the year due to health issues, is back working for the team. 

Is this for real? According to Bob Nightengale in USA Today, owner Jerry Reinsdorf, 87, has brought back La Russa, 79, as a White Sox "consultant." 

In fact, first-year manager Pedro Grifol (who, for now, has been spared his job) is expected to report Wednesday night to Reinsdorf and La Russa on "what went wrong this year, how does he plan to fix it, and what personnel changes are needed."

Are White Sox fans supposed to feel that the franchise is now headed in the right direction when they hear this news? 

Loaded with talent, the Pale Hose were a division champion in 2021, but La Russa's puzzling antics led them to a disappointing .500 record in 2022, and now, in 2023, are the fourth-worst team in baseball at 49-77. 

All that said, it's good to hear that La Russa has apparently won his battle with cancer.