Elite Pitcher Drawing Interest From 6 Teams After Missing 2023 Season

Jarlin Garcia, the left-handed pitcher who missed the entire 2023 MLB season due to a nerve issue in his biceps, is generating interest from multiple teams as a free agent.

Despite the setback that kept him out of play last year, Garcia's recent clearance to resume throwing has sparked attention in the league.

While it's reported that he won't be ready for Spring Training and likely won't see game action until May, his return to health and potential on the mound have made him a subject of consideration for teams looking to bolster their bullpen.

Garcia's past performances, especially his effective role in the bullpen during his time with the Giants, have contributed to the intrigue surrounding his comeback.

From 2019-22, Garcia posted a fantastic 2.89 ERA, 1.08 WHIP, with 177 strikeouts across 202.2 innings and 188 appearances.

The demand for left-handed relievers in the league remains high, and Garcia's ability to overcome his recent injury could make him an attractive low-risk, high-reward option for teams looking to add depth to their pitching staff.

With southpaws like Josh Hader, Aroldis Chapman, and Matt Moore having already secured deals, Garcia stands out as one of the intriguing left-handed options left on the market.

Currently, around six MLB teams have shown interest in Garcia, indicating a competitive market for his services.

The specifics of the teams and the nature of the contracts being discussed have not been disclosed, but Garcia's situation exemplifies the constant search for pitching talent within the league, especially for those capable of making a strong return after injury setbacks​. Photo Credit: Ron Chenoy-USA TODAY Sports